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外语 | 陈响 2017-08-25 10:01:06

  “Dear customers, the diner will be closed from Aug. 20 to 24, because I’m sending my son to Tsinghua University. I will resume normal business operations on Aug. 25.” The announcement, which was handwritten in clerical script, went viral on Chinese social media.


  Tang Dejin, who wrote the announcement, is the owner of a small rice-noodle diner in Quanzhou County, Guangxi. His son, Tang Chao, just got admitted to Tsinghua University, one of China’s most prestigious universities.


  “I never expected the announcement to go viral online. I just wanted to inform my customers so they wouldn’t show up during my absence,” said Tang Dejin. Beijing Youth Daily reported that some locals made a special trip to the diner just to take photos at the front gate after the announcement went viral.


  The family arrived in Beijing on Aug. 20 and visited the Palace Museum the next day. “We rarely have time to travel, since we have been busy making rice-noodles every day for the past six years. This is a great opportunity for my wife and I to finally see Beijing,” said Tang Dejin.


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