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双语阅读:乔治小王子生日在即 最新萌照曝光

外语 | 用考网 2017-08-08 11:18:01

[摘要]乔治小王子两岁啦!近日,在一张首次公布的照片中,乔治王子依偎在爸爸的怀里,调皮地笑着,一副好动不安的样子。 这个走路蹒跚的调皮小孩是王室的第三顺位继承人,他的成长备受世界关注。

双语阅读:乔治小王子生日在即 最新萌照曝光

Grinning cheekily in his father's arms, Prince George can't resist monkeying around in this previously unseen photograph issued to mark his second birthday .


The picture was taken by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino at his little sister Princess Charlotte's christening earlier this month.


The snap shows doting father Prince William and his son in the gardens at Sandringham House, the Queen's private residence in Norfolk.


A spokesman for Kensington Palace said: 'This photograph captures a very happy moment on what was a special day for The Duke and Duchess and their family. They are very pleased to share this picture as they celebrate Prince George's second birthday.'


Unlike his first birthday, which was marked with a party at Kensington Palace with his great-grandmother, the Queen, as guest of honor, and a tuneful rendition of 'Happy Birthday' by the band of the Irish Guards, this year's celebrations will be significantly more low key.


The mischievous toddler, who is third in line to the throne, will still enjoy all the trimmings – a cake and a visit from his doting grandparents, Michael and Carole Middleton, as well as a host of little friends and godparents - at his parents' country retreat, Anmer Hall. But the event is intended to be very much a 'private' family celebration as his parents, William and Kate, embark on a new life together at their grand new Norfolk home.


Sadly the little prince's grandfather, Prince Charles, won't be able to attend as he and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, are currently on a three-day official trip to the West Country. But he and Camilla plan to travel up to Sandringham at the end of the week with gifts for their lively grandson, the Mail understands.


Although she has the help of a housekeeper and a nanny as well as her family, Kate has apparently been determined to do much of the organizing herself.


And with her mother, Carole, running one of the country's most successful online party goods companies – which helpfully sells a range of 2nd birthday-themed balloons, banners, sparklers and even piñatas – the day is bound to go with a swing.


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