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双语阅读:新手机应用 可让你提前在机场点餐

外语 | 用考网 2017-08-08 11:18:01


双语阅读:新手机应用 可让你提前在机场点餐

Whether there's simply not enough time, or the queues are too big, getting food in the airport terminal is a challenging task.


But an app has been developed that allows users to order their meals in advance, meaning they can relax through security knowing their table is reserved.


AirGrub is a free app that people can use to choose and then pay for food from restaurants that are nearest them when flying.


Flight information is entered, and then the user must specify a time to eat, and then a selection of restaurants available near to the departure gate is shown.


Users can browse the menu, select their favorite foods and at least one stress of the holiday check-in is eased.


Speaking to co-founder and CEO of Airgrub Surya Panditi said: 'When we travel, we don't walk around looking for which hotel to stay at, so why wait until you are at the airport to decide what to eat?'


双语阅读:新手机应用 可让你提前在机场点餐

The handy thing about the app is that orders can be put in weeks in advance, or even as you are queuing up in security. And the customer can choose whether they want to eat in the restaurant or take the meal onto the plane.


And just in case of the dreaded flight delays, there is a 'contact' area where customers can cancel orders and receive a refund.


There is no mark-up on prices, and the app is available to download now on the App Store and Google Play.


However, the only airport which has signed up so far is San Francisco in the U.S.


New York and Boston are believed to be in line to throw their hat into the ring, and it might only be a matter of time before the service is offered worldwide.


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