British pupils taught by Chinese are better than their peers in maths and science, a new study has found.
In a study aimed at comparing the British and the Chinese school systems, pupils taught by Chinese teachers outperformed the rest of their peers in a series of exams set by an independent research body (The Institute of Education - IOE).
In an experiment for BBC Two's ‘Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School’, five teachers from China were responsible for the education of 50 students for four weeks at Bohunt School in Hampshire. Learning together in one class room, the students of mixed abilities were put through a Chinese style education system, with 12 hour days and a stricter learning regime.
In tests at the end of the four week period, overall the students in the Chinese School achieved an approximately 10 per cent higher average mark across maths and science compared to the rest of their year group - who continued to be taught by their regular Bohunt teachers.
In qualifying the results the IOE Said: “The results and findings are not refined and can only be used in very broad terms.” Despite this they reported that “There is a higher performance level within the Chinese group and a degree of separation between the groups which did not appear before the project began.”
Bohunt Headteacher Neil Strowger said: “I think that the way that the Chinese students respect their teachers is something we ought to have in this country.”
He added: “We probably do need a longer day at school, but do we really want children working 15, 16 hours a day? That to me doesn’t really sound like childhood, that to me sounds like almost prison. The Chinese school works with children who are already bright, who are already motivated... It does challenge the most able pupils but does it do it in a nurturing way?”
What this article is actually saying is that traditional teaching methods, which are still very much the norm in China, are more effective in imparting knowledge. That can come as no surprise to anybody, apart from the educationalists of course. Considering the shocking levels of disorder in the classrooms in these programmes, which would never have been tolerated fifty years ago and I suspect would not be tolerated in China today, one can only conclude that the results would have been even better if some discipline had been imposed on the children.